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Tuesday, 19 September 2017

One year of Katie's Corner!

*bursts into a lively rendition of Happy Birthday*

A year ago today I took the step to put myself out there and start a blog. This has honestly been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I have loved planning and writing each of my posts and have gained so much from doing so. It has helped me to process and cope with everything I have experienced this year, it has been somewhere I can document my gap year so that I can look back on it in the future, it has allowed me to have a space to express my opinions on some big topics, and it has provided a platform for me to raise awareness of some really important issues - such as M.E/C.F.S.

The second post I ever published was called 'Gap Year Bucket List' in which I listed 10 things I wanted to achieve over the course of my year. You can have a look at the original post here. I then wrote a post back in January called 'On Target?' where I looked back over the first 4 months of my gap year and checked with my list. You can read this post here. Now, here we are, a year on. Let's have a look and see how I got on with my list!

  1. Apply to drama schools: I achieved this! I documented the whole process on my blog and although it was a pretty horrible experience in a lot of ways, I am so proud that I did it and I learnt so much from it.
  2. Become more courageous: as I reflected on in my 'On Target?' post, I definitely did this! Since January I have been even more courageous - what with my travels over summer and by saying 'yes' to new experiences which seemed really scary (such as my week with A+). I'm still working to be calm and rational and to not let anxiety get a hold of me, but I'm doing good and definitely feel more in control these days.
  3. Sing, sing, sing: I don't really stop singing so this was always going to happen but I've been really #blessed with some amazing singing opportunities this year. MYCO were a huge part of this: from concerts, to the open mic, and The Hired Man shows, they gave me plenty of opportunity to sing my lungs out! I have also put a new cover on my YouTube channel with my friend Livi, been asked to sing at another wedding next year, grown in my confidence and technique as a worship leader at my church, and even had one pupil to whom I taught singing which was daunting at first but became incredibly rewarding.
  4. Get a job: as I said in the 'On Target?' post, I got a Saturday job at Brown Bear like I wanted. I thought that this would just be a nice little shop to work in and a way to earn some reliable income, what I didn't anticipate was that I would make two new amazing friends. Becca and Lizzy who manage the shop have been two of my rocks over the past year and I will miss them very much now that I'm off to Uni. My childminding work has continued to grow since my post in January. I love every minute of it and am heartbroken to be leaving all my babies! I also got a new job a couple of months ago as a teaching assistant in a local school for children with special needs.. This has been really challenging but so, so rewarding and I've really enjoyed it and have really grown in confidence.
  5. Learn piano or guitar: lol nope.
  6. Write a blog: yeeeesss! I whole year I've kept it up and I have completely fallen in love with it and so will continue for as long as I am enjoying it!
  7. Gain more experience of working with children: this I most definitely done! Everything from volunteering at a baby and toddler group, childminding, working as a TA, working as an Enabler for a deaf/blind girl, teaching singing, working as a Key Worker in the Pebbles holiday club at New Wine, has been a great way to gain experience and to prepare for my degree course: Primary Education.
  8. Bake and cook lots and lots: I've definitely baked a lot this year as I really love it. (Mainly, I just love eating the finished product). I have been inspired by my friend Lizzy's baking blog called Tartlife, and by other recipes I have come across. I will be making my family Christmas cake this week before I head off to University and will put a blog post up about this in October.
  9. Learn sign language: this is perhaps my only real regret this year... I bought a book and made a start but didn't get very far as I've just been busy doing other things! It's annoying because if I had put more effort into this at the start of the year when I had more time, it would have really come in handy for my work with children with special needs. But you can't do everything! I'm sure I'll get round to it one day haha!
  10. Get well: this, rather miraculously, was achieved back in October last year when I did LP again (see previous posts). I know that taking a gap year was the best decision I could have possibly made for my health. I still have to do my mental and physical LP exercises every day but it is allowing me to live a normal life, yay!

I am really happy with everything that I have done this year and am so grateful for the relationships that have been developed and for the lessons I have learnt. I have learnt so much about myself and feel I am in a much stronger position now to be going off to Uni than I would have been a year ago. 

I'm finding this pretty hard to write... I just want to be matter of fact because I'm scared of releasing the emotion that I'm actually feeling right now. I am overwhelmed by how sad I am to be saying goodbye to the people who have made this past year so amazing but equally I am terrified and excited about the prospect of the year ahead. I'm not joking when I say terrified by the way... I've barely been able to eat for the past two weeks!

So what does the year ahead entail? If you don't know already, I am moving to Brighton on Saturday to begin my degree (Primary English Education with QTS). I will be living in Halls with 5 others who are - at the moment - complete strangers, I will be trying my best to navigate around a brand new city, and just generally doing my best to avoid embarrassing myself (lol good luck, Kates). In truth, I don't know what is ahead of me. No doubt moving away from home and beginning this adventure will bring its challenges but I'm also sure that God has amazing plans and that exciting things are on the horizon! I plan to keep blogging so I shall be posting updates about what I'm getting up to and my Uni experience. I hope you'll come along for the ride!

All I can really say now is: thank you for being a part of this journey. Thank you for reading my blog over the past year and for all your support. Whether it's just been reading one post or religiously following all of them (hi Mum), it really does mean so much!


Katie xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hello Katie. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post. Very interesting post to go through where you have made best use of the gap year in which you had a bucket list which is very thoughtful and you seem to be a young girl who lives with purpose and your life is more purpose driven. Great post and I am blessed by it. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 38 yrs in this great city a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us durin their vacation time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai to work with us during your vacation time. I am sure you will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you , your family and friends.
