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Sunday, 30 April 2017

Quitting Social Media

When some people want to challenge themselves they cycle for miles or climb a mountain or something... I'm giving up social media for a month. Much harder if you ask me (jokes!).
I'm sure you're all gutted that you won't be seeing my top quality online content for a few weeks... NOT! You're probably overjoyed haha!

Why gal, why?

  • I don't like how much of my life is dictated by social media. Because of the years of using it, I find that in every situation there are always thoughts in the back of my mind like 'how can I word what just happened in to a witty tweet', 'this would make such a good Instagram', 'ahh this would make such a funny Snapchat story', 'so-and-so would love this I must send them a picture of it!' etc. It's like I need to find a way to document and share every vaguely funny, interesting, or sad thing that happens to me. I'm not sure why this is, I guess it's been a gradual thing. I just want to be present in every moment I'm in - not with my mind off thinking about how to make it into a great status of some description.
  • I waste SO much time online! It is my primary source of procrastination material. If I'm ever trying to get something done, I somehow find myself catching up on everyone's Snapchat stories, scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, or Twitter, just always scrolling and scrolling and SCROLLING. I'm surprised I haven't developed a repetitive strain injury in my thumb to be honest!
  • I love social media and I hardly think it's an evil or anything but checking my social media accounts is the first thing I do when I wake up and one of the last things I do before bed. I think it's time my priorities changed.
  • Unlike some people, I'm not really fussed by how many followers I have or how many likes a post gets and I'm certainly not afraid to be myself and make a fool out of myself online (it happens all the time in the real world so why pretend lol) however I do think that I get some validation from social media. I know my worth but it often feels like I'm looking for confirmation of this online - through peoples comments/reactions to the things I do and say. I don't think this is a healthy mindset but it's certainly an easy one to slip in to as it is things are presented these days: your value is determined by how many followers you have and how many likes/comments you get. This is such rubbish and so I want to have a break from it.
  • It means I'm going to have to make more of a conscious effort to stay in touch with people. I'm going to need to contact friends directly to find out how they are and what they're up to - rather than just relying on their tweets to gauge where they're at! Often people present a front on social media so I think this is the better way to look out for someone anyway!
  • I can't really remember what life is like without social media... I'm hoping it is a simpler and purer existence lol. I'm hoping that I will fill the time I would have been spending online in a more positive and productive way. Although this may be wishful thinking; I'm a natural procrastinator!

When, What, How?

I'm going 'offline' tomorrow for the whole month of May. Let's call it 'Media free May'. I will be taking a break from Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram as these are the social media sites/apps that I use. I shall still be on Messenger, WhatsApp and of course text/calls (I'm not a complete mad woman!) So I'm not going off the grid but won't be posting anything publicly or scrolling through any feeds! And I'm going to have to start watching the actual news now instead of relying on twitter haha! Fresh perspective, here I come?!

Wish me luck, I think I'm going to - rather embarrassingly - find this really hard! I can be pretty darn determined and strong willed though so I'm sure I'll be fine. And because I've made this post, you can all hold me accountable! I'll still be blogging and I'll definitely do a post when we get to June about how I found the experience. 

Thanks for reading!


Katie xxx

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Spring Has Sprung!

There's been a couple of things going on with me at the moment that I've been grappling with. I realised that both are about change and new beginnings - this seems quite appropriate as we find ourselves in Spring! Today I want to talk about these two things and first to share the recipe for some Spring inspired cupcakes that I made last week because I always said I'd do some baking posts and this seems like a fun way to start!
If you want a soundtrack as you peruse this blog then click here... My main man, Sinatra, singing 'You make me feel so young, you make me feel that spring has sprung!"

Spring Garden Cupcakes
It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and my very lovely friend Livi bought me some of the cutest baking supplies you ever did see. This included flower pot cupcake cases, flower icing cutters, and a piping bag set. These things really added to the effect of this super cute and easy baking idea.

  • 100g margarine
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 100g self-raising flour
  • 2 eggs, beaten

  1. I used my favourite fairy cake/cupcake recipe which comes from the book 'Cooking with Daisy' by Josie Klafkowska. All you need to do is cream together the marg and sugar until they are pale and fluffy.
  2. Add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well each time.
  3. Sieve the flour into the mixture, folding it in. 
  4. Finally spoon the mixture into cupcake cases and bake them in an oven heated to 190°C (170°C fan) for 20 minutes approximately. Or until they are golden in colour, spring back when you tap them and are coming away slightly from the edges of the cases.
  5. When they are cooked, take them out of the tray to cool on a wire rack.
Next up is the best part... decorating!

  • 140g butter
  • 280g icing sugar
  • 1-2tbsp milk
  • a few drops of green food colouring

  1. Beat the butter in a bowl until smooth and then gradually sieve the icing sugar in to the bowl and beat as you go.
  2. Add one tablespoon of milk and beat again until smooth. Add the second tbsp if needed.
  3. Pop in a few drops of green food colouring and mix well. Keep adding the colouring until you get the desired shade of grass green!
  4. The icing definitely looks nicer piped on to the cakes so try and do this if you have a piping bag. Unfortunately I ran out of time so had to go with more of a smeared effect... let's call it 'rustic' lol.
  5. For this next step I required the expert advice of my pal Lizzy who is an incredible baker. Check out her blog 'Tartlife' hereit is amazing by all accounts. Anyways, she suggested that I use shop-bought fondant icing to make my flower decorations, rolling out the icing thin (thin enough to dry out but not so thin that it became too fragile to use). So this is what I did. I rolled the icing out thinly and cut the flowers out using my cutters and then left them to dry out for a while. 
  6. I also kneaded some red food colouring into some of my icing to make it pink so that I could have some variety in colours. Alternatively, you can buy ready-coloured icing or just stick with the white.
  7. I then used a very small, clean paint brush dipped in yellow food colouring to paint a middle to my flowers. 
  8. When I was in the shops buying my icing, I spotted these absolute gems and just couldn't resist! TOO CUTE. So to finish off the cakes I stuck on some flowers and an icing animal to each one. 
The finished product!

Right, now on to the deep stuff lol.

So, as I said at the start of this post, I have some changes going on at the moment that I'm trying to process. The first involves a specific person. I think it's harder to deal with change when it involves another person because you have to rely on them handling the situation well too. I can't control how this person behaves following this change but I can do my best to focus on myself and how I'm feeling. Last night and this morning I sat down to write them a letter. I do not intend for them to ever read it but it was a very therapeutic way for me to process everything that's going on in my head! This may not work for everyone, but for me writing things down really helps me (hence why have a blog!). I've been able to work through everything that I'm thinking and feeling so that it's no longer a big jumbled mess in my brain! There are some things that I've wanted to tell this person but haven't been able to and, although they won't read it, by writing it all down in this letter it feels like I've got it off my chest. It wasn't easy digging up some emotions that I've been trying to ignore and for a while afterwards I felt this sort of pain in my chest but I'm glad I did it and feel I can now move forward easier. I also didn't realise how much I needed to get out... I filled 10 pages of my notebook! I'm now feeling a lot lighter. (If you're not a Harry Potter fan, this reference will go straight over your head, but this process really reminded me of Dumbledore and his Pensieve!)
Something I've also found a real encouragement in this area is the reminder that God will never give up on me. People will let us down, people will decide we're not worth it - but God  never will. He loves us unconditionally and is in constant pursuit of our hearts. 
"You hold the heavens but never let go of my heart!"

The other thing that's been weighing on me is my move to Brighton which is coming up in September. I've still been worrying that it's not the right thing for me to do and so this weekend my Dad and I headed down there. I wanted to remind myself why I originally wanted to go there and to get excited about moving to that city. I'd say my trip was definitely a success! When visiting before, I'd only really seen the Uni campus which is a bit 'out on a limb' from the city and so we spent some time actually in Brighton itself.

Brighton Pavilion and some fab street musicians

I completely fell in love with the place. 

Two happy beans on a v windy beach lolz

It has all shops and facilities you could need and more, but it also has real character - what with the Lanes full of quirky independent shops and cafes, the stunning Brighton Pavilion, and of course the beach! I can really see myself heading off for a walk along that pebbled shore if I ever feel stressed and need to find comfort in the sounds and sights of the sea. 
Despite the fact that my trip has definitely helped me to feel excited about my move away in September, I am still terrified! But I'm working through this and I think I'll get there. As usual, it's my faith that's getting me through. I know that God has a plan for me and that all I need to do is trust in him. The sense of peace that I had in Brighton was a real confirmation that that is where he wants me to be. 

I picked a pebble that took my fancy from Brighton beach and have brought it home with me. Partly as a reminder of how much I loved that beach so that if I ever feel stressed about moving there I can hold it and remember that it's going to be amazing, but also as a reminder that although - in the grand scheme of the world - I am about as significant as one little pebble on that huge beach, God cares about me and has a path laid out for me and will never let me go no matter what. 

my lil peb

"How precious are your thoughts about me, God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me" - Psalm 139: 17-18

Although changes like these can be really hard, try to look at the positives. I'm getting into the spirit of Spring and am seeing them as fresh starts/new beginnings/a new season in my life!

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post and that you perhaps found it helpful in some way: maybe you'll have a go at making the cakes, or have related to the changes I'm experiencing at the moment.

Katie xxx

Friday, 7 April 2017

Menstruation Frustration

Uh-oh here we go... Katie's Corner is tackling another taboo subject! This is awkward to write about but I think that it is so vital that this topic is talked about more. If I can help someone by writing this then it's definitely worth any awkwardness or embarrassment I may feel!

Today we're chatting periods. Menstruation. That time of the month. Mother Nature's Monthly Gift. Whatever else you may wish to call it! I want to tackle some of the misconceptions and big questions head on. I'm going to be talking about what to expect if you've not started your period (because what you get taught at school is pretty useless), what women want men to know about this subject, why I'm a Clue Ambassador and what this means, and some general points about the joys and horrors of this part of a woman's life.

A blessing or a curse?

 Periods are often messy, painful, and highly inconvenient but I think it's important to remember that they are also amazing. They are part of the process of creating new life and that is something that should be celebrated. Even when I feel like my womb is trying to murder me, I feel a sense of pride in my body and it's ability to do it's job properly. I also hope that I will one day have children of my own and that I will then feel it has all been worth it!
A close friend of mine has made the decision not to have children - it must be nightmare going through all this for literally nothing. I should be grateful that I do have something to use as motivation for getting through the tough aspects of it all, because boy oh boy can there be tough aspects! No one would choose to be emotional, nauseous, fatigued, and in pain etc. because it's not fun. Sometimes nothing can really help you accept it. For example, a couple of months ago my period was so bad that I threw up... ON A DATE NO LESS. Yes, it's fair to say that no amount of thoughts about cute future babies were going to make that situation better!
For me, I think it's important to have a balance of loving your body and appreciating the job it is doing, whilst also allowing yourself to wallow in feeling crap and binge eat all the chocolate you could want!
Something/someone that I've found helpful for dealing with all the highs and lows of periods is the YouTuber Melanie Murphy and her 'PMS Party' video series. She is so funny and easy to watch and she tackles all the big questions and issues with charm and wit. Watch these fab videos here!

What to expect when you're expecting... your period

I'm afraid there isn't an easy answer to this. The truth of the matter is that every woman is different and therefore every woman's experience is different. As annoying as this is - because it would be handy if you could prepare for what is coming and to be able to understand exactly what is normal when you are experiencing it - I believe that saying 'every women's experience is different' is honestly the most comforting and helpful thing I can say! This is due to the fact that at school you are taught specific facts such as: most girls will start their period at around the age of 13, your cycle should last about 28 days etc. It can then be very daunting if you don't fit the 'norm'. For example, I was the last of all the girls I knew in my school year to start my period and so for a couple of years was worried there was something wrong with me. Indeed, when mine did start I found that my cycle lasts between 35-48 days and so after worrying for ages, I eventually went to the doctors a year ago. My GP literally looked at me like 'umm babes why are you here wasting my time??' She told me that there is actually a large range to 'normal' and that she wasn't worried about me at all. What I'm trying to say is don't be alarmed if your 'normal' is very different from the 'normal' of your friends and family, or what you're told at school. Although, of course, always go to the doctor if you are worried about something - better to be safe than sorry y'know!

Putting the 'men' in 'menstruation'!

If women like myself grow up without all the necessary information for understanding periods then men don't stand a chance! Whilst researching for this blog I discovered that "Most adults still have a junior school level of education about sexual health and the female body" -

So here are just a few little pointers for you fellas that the gals in your life want you to know:
  • The last thing a woman wants to hear if she's ever in a bad mood is 'Are you on your period?' JUST. DON'T. DO. IT. It is the one thing that is guaranteed to wind her up further! Just made her a cup of tea or something lol
  • Whilst we're on the subject of emotions, I think it's a common misconception that every woman's hormones will cause her to have mood swings when she is on her period. This is not the case, however. For a lot women it simply appears to be this way because when one is in pain, one's tolerance levels are significantly lower! Just be sensitive to the fact that, during their time of the month, women may not necessarily be in a bad mood but are probably still not going to be feel up to the usual level of banter!
  • On average, a woman will use 11,000 tampons or pads in her lifetime and considering they cost - on average - £3 for a pack of 20, you can understand why we complain about having to buy them all the time!
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome) usually occurs a week or two before the bleeding starts so most women go through two lots of having swollen or tender breasts, upset stomach, feeling tired, depression, anxiety, changes in appetite and headaches etc. in a month. Therefore, a woman may not technically be on her period, but is still going through the same nasty symptoms - and is consequentially as sensitive as when she is bleeding.
  • I can't word this next point any better than Phylisa Wisdom did for so here's what she said: "Now, as for whether it’s gross: yes, it is. It is the lining of a uterus. If you’re generally squeamish in life, you’re likely to be squeamish about this. Sometimes it has chunks. Sometimes it has a subtle but unique period smell. Sometimes it’s messy and slimy. It’s okay to feel a little funny in your stomach when you think about what it is, but it doesn’t mean it’s okay to think women’s bodies are disgusting. Because we’re fertile reproductive goddesses and this comes with the beauty of creating life. Namaste."
  • Every woman has a personal preference when it comes to the collection method they opt for. Some will use tampons, others will use pads, some go for menstrual cups... it just depends on the individual. There is also a vast variety of brands, sizes and styles so if you ever find yourself in the position of having to purchase some for a sister or girlfriend or someone then for heavens sake, check what brand and size etc... because it matters!
  • There are loads of things I could say, but just watch this Buzzfeed video entitled 'Men Explain Periods' because it is actually MAGIC! I can't remember the last time I chuckled so much. My fave part might be: "What causes cramps?" "Is it because the egg is big?" TOO FUNNY. Anyways, check it out for yourself here.
  • Another good resource is 'The Manly Guide to Menstruation'. Find it here.

Give us a Clue?

First off I suppose I'd better explain what Clue is for those of you that don't know. It is a period tracking app. This means you can download it onto your phone and, from the information you give it, it can track and predict your menstrual cycle. This is so, so handy! It means you're always prepared and can keep track of any patterns or health concerns. I originally downloaded it when I was first considering going to the doctors about my period. I knew that it always took ages to come but wanted to go to the GP with some actual figures! I was able to show them my phone with my past 6 months of cycles recorded on it. However, after that appointment I realised that I just found it so helpful and so I have continued to use it since. You can simply tell it when you are on your period or you can give it loads of information - from how your mood is, to your digestion, to how your skin is. All this can be really helpful for working out how your body works and what is normal for you.

Aside from the app, Clue is also an organisation which works tirelessly in research and education regarding women's sexual and reproductive health. As a result of this, their app contains loads of really helpful information about every aspect of the menstrual cycle and their emails are some of the few that I actually read and don't just shift to junk mail... they are actually so interesting!

Because I love the work that Clue does and think it's really important, I applied to be a Clue Ambassador last July. This is part of the description I was sent when I was accepted:

"The #ClueVoices community is all about informing, advising and supporting each other. We've created a Facebook Group where Clue Ambassadors can connect with each other, and with the Clue Team. 
We look forward to growing this community with you - a community of people who want to push menstrual and reproductive health forward. Let's make the world more informed and less ashamed of menstrual health together."

This blog post is me finally doing my job as a Clue Ambassador... it's taken me a while haha!

It is nice to see that periods are being spoken about more these days; for example during the Tampon Tax debacle, both men and women spoke out with indignation. If you're unfamiliar with the 'Tampon Tax' issue, essentially it is the fact that sanitary items are considered to be luxury items (as opposed to essentials) and are therefore taxed, whilst items such as men's razors are considered essential and so are not subject to VAT. This is of course very frustrating for all women but makes these items even less accessible to homeless women or women on low incomes who often have to make the choice between eating or having sanitary products. It would be interesting to see the carnage caused if women stopped using sanitary products... I wonder how quickly they would be viewed as an essential then haha!
It is so encouraging to see people finally begin to stand up for women and issues regarding menstruation - I hope it continues! There is still a long way to go though with regard to education about menstruation (ooh. nice rhyme kates) so I for one am going to keep harping on about it even if it makes other people uncomfortable!

Please, if any of you have any questions: be that if you're a girl who hasn't started your period, a man who wants to understand it more, or a woman wanting to know more about Clue then get in touch! I'm more than happy to talk about it (as you've probably gathered).

Thank you for reading, despite it being a bit of an awkward one.


Katie xxx