You can find the original post here.
I shall be referring to each plan by number.
- Apply to drama school: I have done this! I did not chicken out, yay me! As you will know from previous posts, this whole process has been quite the emotional journey! I have learnt so much and have grown as both a person and a performer. I have two more auditions coming up in 2017 so will continue to document this process.
- Become more courageous: I have definitely done this too! The combination of losing the safety net of school and doing LP (The Lightning Process - a treatment similar to CBT which has had a massive impact on my physical health problems but particularly on my anxiety) has allowed me to overcome my fears and accomplish things I never thought I could do. As I talked about in the original post, travel anxiety has been a massive issue for me for several years now. However, since the start of my gap year I have travelled to both Sheffield and Bath by train on my own, I have driven on long journeys by myself, I have travelled on the London underground (one of my biggest fears) three times with no issues, and I am making plans for more travelling in 2017. Last night my Dad and I headed to London to watch a play called BU21 at the Trafalgar Studios. This involved using the tube, walking a fair distance through Central London, eating in restaurant I hadn't been to before, sitting in a very small and hot space in the theatre, and travelling at night. All these things would have caused me major stress a couple of months ago. In the car on the way home I turned to Dad and said "Can we just take a sec to appreciate what I've just done?" We both then got quite emotional talking about how far I've come and how it's like I've got my life back. Dad said "You're now able to be a normal 18 year old". I think that basically sums it up... all the things I've listed probably don't sound anything special to you, but when you've been too ill to walk very far and to cope with any of those situations, it feels incredible to do those things without even thinking about it.
- Sing, sing, sing: I do feel sorry for those that have to live in the same house as me because I literally don't shut up. I sing ALL THE DANG TIME. However, only a couple of my singing plans have come to fruition so far. I have successfully joined MYCO, have performed in 5 concerts with them so far, and am now working towards our production of The Hired Man which will be performed in April this year. I have also uploaded more songs to my YouTube channel which is something else I said I wanted to do. On the other hand, I am yet to sing at weddings (although I do have one I've been asked to sing at coming up in 2017), write any more songs, or try out busking. These are all still things I want to do so will try and make it happen this year! I have also hit a bit of a dead end regarding the Extras company I was applying to but I am working on it! I am so, so grateful for the new friends I have made during my gap year - particularly at MYCO - because I feel like I've found my people (other theatre nerds basically) who will obsess over musicals with me!
- Get a job: Done! I have a job a Brown Bear (a mother and baby boutique) which is one day a week. I have also grown my babysitting/childminding work and that is now my main source of income. I absolutely love it! It's flexible and I very much enjoy being my own boss. I also love the actual work which obviously helps haha! In fact, I love it so much that I almost don't mind being permanently covered in baby vomit, dribble and/or snot (yum).
- Learn to play the piano or guitar: Nope, not achieved at all! But definitely something I still want to do, so maybe 2017 will be the year!
- Write a blog: Obviously I have done this, but not only have I started one, I've actually kept it up! Writing this blog is genuinely one of my absolute favourite things to do and I just want to say thank you to you for reading it! The fact that people actually read my posts and comment on what I write just makes me so happy. I fully intend to keep writing what I love writing and what I hope you will continue to enjoy reading :)
- Gain more experience of working with children: As I mentioned above, childminding is currently my main job so I definitely am gaining more experience of working with children. I am also volunteering at a baby and toddler group twice I week which I'm really enjoying. You will have seen on the original list that I want to gain some experience of working with children with additional needs. I had an interview back in September at a school for children with special needs. They said they would love for me to volunteer there but I'm still waiting for the DBS process to be sorted out! I have another meeting with them this week so hopefully I will be able to start soon! I've also applied for my fourth year working on the Pebbles team at New Wine (looking after the three/four year olds at a summer festival/camp)
- Bake and cook lots: I haven't baked and cooked as much as I would have liked to so far in my gap year but, having said that, I have still whipped up many a good cake. I plan to do more over the coming months!
- Learn sign language: This is something I haven't got round to starting yet but I have ordered a British Sign Language book which comes with a DVD as well so I can get learning and practising! I'm really excited to start.
- Get well: HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE THE LORD THIS HAS BEEN ACHIEVED! Thanks to The Lightning Process, God's grace, and my own hard work, I am well on the way to being a healthy and fully functioning human being!
I can't believe I've only had 4 months of my gap year, so much has changed in this short amount of time. I have experienced so much - both good and bad - and achieved more than I thought I would. I have no doubt that 2017 will hold many challenges but I feel in a really good place at the moment and am ready to tackle whatever comes my way. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me, I pray this year is wonderful for you.
Katie xxx
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London looked amazing all lit up last night. |
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