I should probs start with the reason for me being here! I am absolutely loving my course so far. It is pretty full on and every few days I have a little wobble like 'how am I going to get all this done?!?' but I'm enjoying the work so I can't really complain! I've been really blessed with wonderful lecturers and coursemates which definitely helps. You need to be able to have a laugh to get through Ed Studies lectures!
I'm also now a 'course rep' which basically means I get a fancy lanyard (makes me feel v official lol), represent my coursemates and their opinions at meetings, and help with organisation of socials and the like. So far this has been good! I like being organised and getting involved in stuff so it suits me quite well haha. Organising socials isn't technically in the job description but I thought it would be nice to get to know each other outside of work and so that's been really fun. I've also helped organise for us to have a Christmas jumper/festive wear day to raise money for charity because I FREAKIN LOVE FESTIVE JUMPERS (and also helping charity is super cool too!).
Overall, I'm feeling positive about my course. I'm slightly apprehensive for upcoming big assignments and for placement in the new year but I'm also trying not to get too worked up about that yet and to just be in the moment.
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Coursemates Pub Social! |
English Specialists Take Brighton |
Every now and then the stress of the work and Uni life gets a bit much (refer to Exhibit A and B below) but overall I am a happy bean in this department.
This, ladies and gents, is what being in lectures from 9-5 and then waiting in the freezing cold for an hour for a bus does to a gal. |
Getting stuck in
I've tried to throw myself into Uni life and to take up as many opportunities as I can. This has involved getting stuck in with lots of stuff at the church I now go to (big up St Peter's Brighton). I really loved leading worship and hosting services at my church back home and so it's super cool to be able to start doing those kind of things here too.
St Peter's are involved with the running of the winter Night Shelter for the homeless in Brighton and I've decided to volunteer at this on Saturday nights. I am both excited and apprehensive about this. Growing up I watched my mum work for a charity called The Besom for over ten years. This is a charity which serves those who are going through a hard time in the community (be it homelessness, poverty, addiction, abuse etc.) I have always admired the way my mum has loved and served these people with all her heart even when it was hard and even when she got nothing in return. I decided that when I came to Uni I wanted to woman up and do something like that - and so here I am! I think I'm going to find it quite challenging as some of the people in the shelter will have experienced some really awful things and some may be battling addictions and mental health problems. There really is no point trying to glamourise it, but equally I hope that it will be positive experience to serve these people, show them love, and to listen to them when they are so often overlooked in our society.
Something I really wanted to get involved with/keep up when I came to Uni was all the musical theatre/singing/acting things that I love so much. This unfortunately hasn't really fallen into place yet. The music and drama societies don't really fit with my schedule :( There are a group of us trying to start a musical theatre society though so hopefully that will work out. In the meantime I think I just need to persuade someone with a guitar to do some Open Mics with me or something because I am missing performing LIKE MAD. It is such a big part of who I am.
Missing home
For several reasons over the past couple of weeks I have been really missing home (as much as I love it here!). There have just been several things going on in my family which have made me wish I could be with them. Some of these are sad things such as the fact that a very special person in my life whom I call H'Auntie (she's actually my mum's godmother... it's a long story!) has been really ill and I have found it hard not being with my family and knowing what the prognosis is a lot of the time. But apparently she's been sounding a bit more spritely this week so hopefully she has a lot more fight left in her!
Some of these things are happy things such as the fact that my brother is currently slaying life - the little legend that he is! He passed his driving test 2 weeks ago (with considerably less minors than I got in mine it must be said!). He is going through the application process for Uni and is working so hard. I wish I was at home to celebrate with him, have the craic as we always do, and to make him the odd cup of tea when I'm feeling nice. He probs doesn't give a flying rats butt that I'm not there... but OH WELL. I'm looking forward to getting back to annoying him 24/7 at Christmas.
Rocky patches and realisations
On the whole, my mental health has been a lot more stable as I've settled into my new life at Uni but every now and then it rears its ugly head. There were a couple of days last week that were pretty rough. I think it was a combination of the stuff going on back home, work stress, hormones being all over the place, and tiredness. Whatever it was that caused it, it knocked me for six. I guess a positive that comes from negatives like this is that really does highlight who is there for you when it counts. I am very lucky to have a such a good support network here (you know who you are, you wonderful lot).
So far this week has been better, I've felt a lot more in control. I also feel that God has really reminded me of my worth. He has reminded me that I was made with purpose, I am loved, and that I am a mighty woman of God (can I pls get a 'hell yeah'?!). After last week I was left feeling a bit shaky, and just generally wasn't a big fan of myself. Because of this I was letting people mess me around and wasn't sticking up for myself. But like I say, I feel I've been reminded that I have worth and that people who really care about me will see that too.
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Tonight myself and two of my flatmates went to see the Christmas lights being switched on in Brighton city centre and it was magical! I'm now feeling suuuuuper festive! I also got really excited because it was Chris and Stephen from Gogglebox who switched them on and I bloomin' love those two. It was a lovely evening and reminded me how lucky I am to live in such a gorgeous city.
Anyways, I have a 9am lecture tomorrow so should probably be on my way to bed! Let me just leave with you with this version of the Christmas banger 'O Holy Night' that my chum Livi and I made last Christmas. It holds many a happy memory for me and helps me get in the festive mood. Enjoy and thank you for reading!
Katie xxx